Please email us at as soon as possible if you would like to make any changes to your order. We do our best to process online orders quickly so you can receive your order as soon as possible. If an order has already shipped, please initiate a return. You can view our returns policy here.
If you have made a mistake with your shipping address, please reach out to We will do our best to make adjustments to the order. If an order has already been shipped, we may not be able to retrieve the order; however we will do our best to get your order to you.
You can view your order status by logging into your account and viewing your order history. If you don’t have an account, you can view the status of your order by reviewing your order confirmation email and selecting the “View your Order” button.
Absolutely! Let us know you would like your order gift wrapped by selecting “Gift wrap this order” in your shopping cart.
We’re so sorry to hear you aren’t happy with your order. Please view our returns policy and we’ll be happy to help you out!